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Solo Travel

Solo travel at its best is deliciously self-indulgent: eat whatever and whenever you want, spend as long or as little as you like in a place, skip famous sights, sign up for the super cheesy. It's a time where the only compromises you have to make are with yourself. People traveling by themselves will find they are, in some cases, pushing themselves a little harder, in others, giving themselves a little more slack. Travel + Leisure's editors and contributors travel solo often, by chance and by design, and know the best tips and tricks for social butterflies and shrinking violets alike.

33 Best Trips And Tips For Solo Female Travel

Solo female travel is on the rise. Here, Nneya Richards, founder of the blog, 'N A Perfect World,... [+] explores Paris.

Photo courtesy of Nneya Richards

Solo female travel just keeps getting hotter. According to the George Washington University School of Business, nearly two-thirds of today's travelers are women. The Travel Industry Association reports that an estimated 32 million American women travel alone every year. And travel companies are seeing a big uptick in interest from solo female travelers.

Hostelworld, the largest online hostel-booking platform, has seen a growth in female solo bookings of 45% between 2015 and 2017.

So how are women making the most of solo travel and where are they going? I tapped into some accomplished travelers to get their top tips for traveling solo — and the best places to travel as a woman alone. Here's what they had to say.

READ MORE: "Quit Your Job And Travel the World: 27 Easy Ways To Make Money Online"

Nikki Misurelli, the woman who has ridden a motorcycle around the globe.

Photo courtesy of Nikki Misurelli

Who: Nikki Misurelli, an adventure motorcycle rider who has ridden around the globe. Follow Nikki's travels on Facebook and Instagram.

Keep an Open Mind: It might be easy to go to the tourist areas where everyone speaks English and can accommodate you, but take the extra challenge to . It has its risks, as does anything in life, but it's a great way to experience a culture or region. It's fascinating to see how people live their daily lives in a regular non-touristy community. Eat like the locals, sleep like the locals, participate in activities like the locals. A smile (and Google Translate) can go a long way, even if you don't speak the same language.

Be Adventurous But Prepared: I got really (really) sick while traveling and it was terrifying. When I got home, I looked into a medical transport membership program called Medjet that the guys in my bike shop recommended. It's super affordable, and when I found out they had a membership that also offered security response, I picked that one — MedjetHorizon. I feel a little more safe while being adventurous knowing they have my back (24/7 crisis response) and it makes my mom and grandma so happy that if something bad happened to me, they'd have someone to call.

Write in a Journal! When we travel, we think we will remember all the details, but in actuality so many new things are happening so quickly every day, and eventually the details will fade away. Even just taking five minutes a day to write down any major events or key memories will help to remind you of so much that you may forget over the years. I personally love going back and reading my travel journals. Photos are also a great way to capture the moments, but we have to be careful not to get completely obsessed over only taking photos and not actually taking in and living in the moment.

Nikki Misurelli in Morocco.

Photo courtesy of Nikki Misurelli

Where to Go: Morocco was one of my favorite places to visit as a solo female traveler. It was a unique and culturally different experience, but I felt extremely safe and welcomed everywhere I went. The people were all very nice and helpful in all situations and everyone made sure I was happy, safe and enjoying my travels. One time I even ran out of gas and got stranded overnight in a small non-touristy town. No one could speak English, there were no hotels for hours, I didn't have any Moroccan cash, only Euros (which no one could accept) and no gas stations or currency exchange offices were open. I sat down at a small local cafe late at night and paid for a meal with the last of the change in my pocket. Some friendly local residents sat down with me, gave me a free hot tea and we managed to communicate with Google Translate. When they heard of my adventures and struggles, they immediately welcomed me to their family's home and gave me a warm blanket on the floor (the same way they sleep), more food and a locked place to park my motorcycle. Once I was able to get my currency exchanged, I tried to give this family money and buy them food, but they absolutely would not accept. I was shown the most beautiful compassion and kindness. This family (along with many others) will always hold a special place in my heart and memories.

Kelly Lewis, founder of Go Girl Guides, the Women's Travel Fest and Damesly.

Photo courtesy of Kelly Lewis

Who: Kelly Lewis, founder of Go Girl Guides, the Women's Travel Fest and Damesly. Read her tips on affordable travel: "The 33 Cheapest Places To Travel In 2018."

Talk! Talk to everyone, everyone, everyone. The more people who are familiar with you and who recognize you, the better. So, I talk to everyone in my hotel, everyone in my hostel, everyone on the bus next to me. For me, it's about staying safe, and the best way to do that is to connect with other people who are looking out for you.

Don't Overshare: I'm very aware of what kind of information I'm sharing. On social media, I do share where I am, but I don't share specifics. So, I don't do Foursquare, I don't check in to like specific areas, but I'll definitely say, "Here I am in Bangkok! If you're here in Bangkok, let's meet up."

Where to Go: My favorite place for solo female travel is New Zealand (probably not surprising!). It's the first country I ever went to, the first country I lived as an expat and it's so naturally stunning that I still compare everywhere else in the world to the things I saw there. I'd have to say Argentina and Uruguay are a close second and third.

Nneya Richards, founder of the blog, 'N A Perfect World.

Photo courtesy of Nneya Richards

Who: Nneya Richards, founder of the blog, 'N A Perfect World, fashion stylist and travel blogger who has written for publications like Vogue and Pop Sugar

Go Shopping:  , even if it's a store. This is a great tip that I learned when I was in Mexico (where I go surfing every winter). I met one of my closest girlfriends in a jewelry store. I was just looking at jewelry and she was working at the store there. Flash forward: We're really close friends.

Smile: You'd be surprised like how much a smile leads people to you, and people want show you the best of their countries, their cities and if you take their suggestions, they're really happy to help and to show you around.

Where to Go: As a solo female traveler of color, there's a lot of navigation through spaces that have seen "tourism" primarily from white men. Comfort and safety are factors that we have to take into account as we explore other locales and cultures. One of the most magical experiences I've had as a solo female traveler — and the place that really gave me the confidence to travel solo even more — is Sayulita, Mexico. It is one of my favorite places in the world and I first went there solo when American papers were reporting the dangers of traveling to Mexico due to drug wars. This beach town — the people, sand, surf and sun — welcomed me with open arms and soon my New York apprehensions started to fade away. A big expat community, Sayulita is still a small town with small town vibes. Within days, locals knew who I was and I was welcomed into their community with them looking out for me, opening their hearts and their homes. The Riviera Nayarit is a magical place I'd recommend for any solo female traveler.

Mickela Mallozzi — the producer and star of the travel series, Bare Feet with Mickela Mallozzi —... [+] learns Highland Dance with the Patterson Dancing School in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Photo courtesy of Juliana Broste

Who: Mickela Mallozzi, producer and star of Bare Feet with Mickela Mallozzi. Read about her in "How This Unlikely TV Star Created A Simple Idea That Allows Her To Travel The World."

Dance: I like talking with people, hearing about what is important to them, what type of music they listen to and of course, I love to dance with people. Dancing is what brings me the most joy, but I also use it to get out of my comfort zone because most of the time I don't know what I'm doing (I'm following someone else's dance moves). I've learned not to care what I look like when I'm learning a new dance, and that has helped me tremendously.

Where to Go: I recently got back from Georgia (the country, not the state), and not only is it filled with breathtaking landscapes, delicious food and exuberant and beautiful music and dance traditions, but the Georgian hospitality is centuries old and embedded in the culture and the people. It's an incredibly safe, open and forward-thinking country – its people are beyond warm. I was initiated as a "da" or a sister to one of my new, Georgian friends, Mako, when I arrived. Friendship there is sacred, shared over the 8,000-year-old tradition of wine, and those friendships are expected to last a lifetime. From Tbilisi's hipster scene to Kazbegi's panoramic mountain views, you will find lifetime friends in the Caucuses.

Alyssa Ramos, founder of mylifesamovie.Com, atop Mount Kilimanjaro.

Photo courtesy of @mylifesatravelmovie/Instagram

Who: Alyssa Ramos, full-time travel blogger, social media influencer and founder of My Life's a Movie. Read about her: "How This Woman Went From Broke To Traveling Full-Time (And Making Lots Of Money)."

Have Confidence: My top tip for a woman traveling solo is to always walk around with confidence, research the area before you go, be respectful of the culture and always be aware of your surroundings.

Where to Go: The Riviera Maya of Mexico is especially great for first time solo female travel trips, because it's not a big jump to another continent (for U.S. Citizens), you can use U.S. Dollar, people speak English (yes, in Mexico they speak English as well as Spanish), there are tons of expats and visitors and also tons of adventures and sites to see all in one place, including one of the New Seven World Wonders, Chichen Itza. I know Mexico gets a negative stereotype sometimes, but in all honesty, if I were to ever live somewhere, Playa del Carmen or Tulum would be my first picks. That's how much I love being there.

Shinjuku Crossing in Tokyo.

Shinjuku Crossing in Tokyo

Where to Go:  Japan — specifically Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka — tops my list for solo female travel because of how safe and respectful the culture is there. Despite thinking I'd stick out and get stared at with my blonde hair and blue eyes, I found that rarely anyone did, and I was only ever approached when people noticed I looked lost (typical when attempting the rail system there), and they helped me find my way!

Author Lavinia Spalding.

Photo courtesy of Lavinia Spalding

Who: Lavinia Spalding, author of Writing Away: a Creative Guide to Awakening the Journal-Writing Traveler, and the editor of The Best Women's Travel Writing series. Watch her TED Talk on pursuing a career in travel: "9 TED Talks That Will Inspire You To Quit Your Job And Travel For A Career."

Give Yourself an Assignment: Solo travel is exciting and illuminating, but it can also get lonely sometimes. My top tip is to give yourself an assignment while traveling. It could be as simple as tracking down the tastiest momos in Nepal or seeing the best flamenco show in Spain. Or it could be a deeper mission, like enrolling in a course or doing meaningful volunteer work. Having a personal mission lends more purpose to your travels and increases your chances of meeting interesting locals and travelers, which helps you feel more connected and fulfilled. And my other top tip—of course—is to journal about it.

Where to Go: As for where to go, the possibilities are endless. But I might suggest Portugal or Sicily — if only because those two places had some of the best gelato I've ever eaten, and when you're traveling solo, gelato can be really important.

Budget travel expert Pauline Frommer, ziplining in Whistler.

Photo courtesy of Pauline Frommer

Who: Pauline Frommer, co-President of the Frommer's guidebooks and Frommers.Com. Read her budget tips in "10 Smart Ways To Save Money On Your Next Trip."

Buy Something: The best solo women travel tip I ever heard was from Evelyn Hannon who runs JourneyWoman.Com. She said the first thing you do in a new destination is you go into a local store (like a drugstore or market) and you just buy something small so you can have the bag, and that bag marks you as a local.

Tap Into Other Women: There's an organization called Women Welcome Women, it's out of Britain but it's in every country in the world. It's basically a directory service of women who just love to help and meet other women. It's a nice way to have a safety net and yet still travel alone.

Where to Go: Paris is my favorite spot for solo female travel. No matter what age you are, when you're there, you aren't invisible, as you can become in other destinations.

Marcia DeSanctis overlooking Machu Picchu in Peru.

Photo courtesy of Marcia DeSanctis

Who: Marcia DeSanctis, author of The New York Times Best Seller, 100 places in France Every Woman Should Go

Just Do It: My top tip for a woman traveling solo is to travel solo. It is to not be afraid. It is that to understand the best way to make your connection with a place and with a new environment and in a new context is not to have to worry about somebody else. It is to be by yourself. You really notice things better when you're alone.

Where to Go: Among my favorite places to visit alone is St. Petersburg, Russia, one of the great walking cities in the world. I can race through the Hermitage to have a look at a single painting (maybe Titian's Danae) or take my sweet time. I'll wander over bridges, along canals, past the white and gold buildings along the Moika and Neva Rivers. The city is dazzling and its watery beauty makes me feel contemplative, especially a stop in the Summer Garden or St. Isaac's Square, looking up at the great cathedral's dome.

Erica Virvo, director of global operations at Nomadic Matt, at Vagabond Temple in Kep, Cambodia.

Photo courtesy of Erica Virvo

Who: Erica Virvo, director of global operations at Nomadic Matt and budget travel lover who has been exploring the world for 10 years

Stay in Hostels: My top trip for traveling solo as a woman is stay in hostels. I love staying in hostels as a woman because you get to meet people — and you can meet people that you can then travel with. When you're traveling with other people, it's harder to do that.

Where to Go: Vagabond Temple in Kep, Cambodia is worth recommending for solo female travelers. This yoga and meditation retreat is a space of rejuvenation in a region where so many travelers go in search of something. It's a great place to stop, rest, and collect yourself before you continue to wander through Southeast Asia (even if you're new to yoga or meditation). It's not restricted to female travelers, but mostly women come here. It's one of those places that you book for a few days, and end up staying for a month accidentally. I highly recommend it for anyone making their way down the Banana-Pancake Trail.

Juliana Broste, founder of TravelingJules.Com, snowboarding in Colorado.

Photo courtesy of Juliana Broste

Who: Juliana Broste, travel host, filmmaker and founder of TravelingJules.Com

Put Down Your Phone: When you're eating alone, put that phone away and open your eyes, maybe there's something exciting to see or someone exciting to meet. I love traveling solo because you have the opportunity to meet people. When you're with somebody, people won't approach you. But when you're alone, say you're at the bar, people will come up and chat with you, and you have nothing to do but to make a new friend.

Where to Go: My favorite spot for solo female travel is to go to a ski town. Embrace the feeling of freedom as you feel the wind in your hair while skiing or snowboarding down the mountain, and make friends on the chairlift riding back up in the singles line.

Gillian Morris, founder and CEO of Hitlist.

Photo courtesy of Gillian Morris

Who: Gillian Morris, founder and CEO of Hitlist, an app that helps you travel more for less. Read Morris's packing tips: "Confessions Of A Packing Expert: 9 Business Travel Hacks."

Use Tinder: This is a kind of edgy one, but I have a friend at Google who did a study of the top apps that people use while traveling, and surprisingly one of the top ones for meeting locals is Tinder. I've gone on Tinder, even when I'm dating someone, and said very clearly in my profile, "I'm just here to meet someone to go out on the town or explore with a local." And I've always been very clear in the communication. It's a really great way to meet people, and I think if you're straight-forward, you're not doing anything wrong and it can be a really wonderful experience.

Where to Go: My favorite spot for solo female travel is Turkey. Muslim hospitality ensures that you will be invited to many homes, and an extensive tourist infrastructure means that it's easy to get wherever you need to go by bus, plane, train or rideshare. The Airbnb hosts in off-the-beaten-track destinations in Turkey are some of the best I've ever been lucky enough to stay with and there are so many wonders — from the natural beauty of the coast to the historical riches of Capadoccia — to explore.

Connection enthusiast Tami Fairweather in Wadi Rum.

Photo courtesy of Tami Fairweather

Who: Tami Fairweather, marketing communicator, consultant, connection enthusiast and event media manager for the Adventure Travel Trade Association

Don't Sleep In! One of the tips I usually give my friends is: Those days when you really don't want to get up early because you're tired, don't sleep in. Because you don't remember how tired you were during a trip, you remember what you did. If you were feeling lazy, or even a little under the weather, that's not what you're going to remember. You're going to be thankful that you got up early and saw that church, went on that hike to the waterfall, met those people, had that meal. In the moment, it seems like it's going to be difficult, but the memories made from a full day are totally worth it.

Where to Go: Some of my favorite solo adventures have been on the road, pondering life while riding U.S. Highways and byways destined for national and state parks. Finding a local outfitter that offers group trips is a great way to explore the parks and meet some locals for a more immersive cultural experience. I did something like this last spring in Louisiana's Acadiana region on an overnight kayak trip in the swamp, and learned more about Cajun culture around the campfire than I could have on one visit to a museum.

Julia Pond, head of editorial content at Skyscanner.

Photo courtesy of Julia Pond

Who: Julia Pond, head of editorial content at Skyscanner

Put a Ring On It: I've been hearing a lot of tips since we launched a "tips" feature for solo female travelers. One of the most interesting ones: Bring a wedding ring, even if you're not married. Especially if you're doing more intrepid travel, it can be really helpful to pretend that you're attached, whether you're attached or not, whether you're straight or not.

Understand the Culture: It is so important to understand the customs of the place you're visiting. See how the locals dress and adapt. If you're going to France, dress a little more nicely, don't dress like an American in slumpy shorts and flip-flops. You'll get treated better if you're dressed like a French person. In India, wear long flowy trousers and long flowy shirt and you'll be in a much better situation than if you're in a Western tank top that just makes you stand out.

Where to Go: Wildlife, surfing, yoga, tea and cinnamon — Sri Lanka is a fragrant, addictive destination for solo women. People are relaxed and super honest, and much of the harassment or bargaining you might encounter in its continental neighbor, India, is off the table. Take surfing lessons with an accomplished native (who probably started when he was 11) or meet up with other travelers (thanks to a healthy backpacking scene) to visit a tea plantation or go on safari in one of three national parks. Finish with freshly grilled fish for dinner. Repeat.


• "Quit Your Job And Travel the World: 27 Easy Ways To Make Money Online"

• "The Ultimate Paid Time Off: 17 Companies That Will Give You Money To Travel"

• "Ranked: The 20 Most Dangerous Places to Live"

• "Bucket List Travel: The Top 50 Places In The World"

• "Why You Should Skip Iceland And Go To These 9 Under-the-Radar Places"

27 Best Places For Solo Female Travel

Tania Lebrija Swasbrook, an expert in solo female travel, at Chable, a wellness resort in Merida,... [+] Mexico.

Photo courtesy of Tania Lebrija Swasbrook

The travel industry website Skift dubbed 2017 "the year of the modern female traveler," and Conde Nast Traveler recently reported that solo female travel is more popular than ever. Just do a Google trends search for the phrase "female solo travel," and you'll see the spike in interest over the past five years.

I recently met three experts in solo female travel at the ILTM Americas conference — a gathering of luxury travel advisors and industry professionals that's held every year at Mayakoba, a resort on the Riviera Maya of Mexico.

These women, who are frequent solo travelers themselves, shared their insight on the places that they think are most exciting destinations right now for female travelers.

And for more great solo-travel ideas, check out "33 Best Trips And Tips For Solo Female Travel."

Meg Nolan in New Zealand.

Photo courtesy of Meg Nolan

Meg Nolan, founder, Friend of a Friend Consulting 

Meg Nolan is a veteran travel writer, having held editorial positions at titles such as Town & Country and Vanity Fair, as well as an author of three travel books for Rizzoli (Italian Hideaways, Caribbean Hideaways and England's Hideaways) that cover lesser-known hotels and villas. Currently, Meg is the editor of Goodspeed, a new in-flight magazine for Tradewind Aviation, in addition to running her own travel consulting company, Friend of a Friend Consulting, where she specializes in luxury trip design for private clients through a partnership with Valerie Wilson Travel. Meg's work has brought her to 46 countries and counting, many of them where she dined at a table for one. As a result, Meg's love of travel has become synonymous with quality me-time — a delicious combination of discovery of the new and introspection.

Iceland's Blue Lagoon with a view of the Northern Lights. (Photo courtesy of Shutterstock)

Iceland: A hot destination this year, Iceland and its natural wonders are dominating social media feeds, making it tougher than ever to figure out where to go. Fortunately, the Nordic land is notoriously friendly for female travelers and with an outfitter like Iceland Luxury to help steer you, it's not as daunting or as barren as the landscape may imply.

Beachfront at Casa Sandra on Isla Holbox, Mexico.

Photo courtesy of Casa Sandra

Isla Holbox, Mexico:  At CasaSandra on Isla Holbox it feels like time stopped around 1950, and that, plus a strict barefoot-only policy and new chef is reason enough to head there solo, and maybe never leave.

A guest room at Rosa Alpina.

Photo courtesy of Rosa Alpina

The Dolomites, Italy: Italy is never a bad idea, but the mountains in Italy seem an even better one at the moment, given the fresh alpine air, the skiing or hiking (depending on the season) and the gourmand fondue at Rosa Alpina, a Relais & Châteaux property. Plus the hammam and spa are a nice post-exertion retreat.

A pool at Casa San Agustin in Cartagena.

Photo courtesy of Casa San Agustin

Cartagena, Colombia: The Caribbean in South America, Cartagena provides the ideal blend of culture, beach and colorful history with excellent tour guides and high-quality dining. It may feel a bit romantic to be there solo, but the jovial crowd at Casa San Agustin, with its hotel bar and open-air rum tastings in the plaza, are as convivial as any major city.

A beach in Byron Bay, Australia. (Photo courtesy of Shutterstock)

Byron Bay, Australia: Dubbed "the Hamptons of Australia," who wouldn't want to go check out this seaside enclave on Australia's Gold Coast? Plus, Elements of Byron, a small privately owned property, is currently pushing wellness camps with yoga and healthy eating at the core.

Six Senses is opening on Krabey Island in Cambodia.

Photo courtesy of Six Senses

Cambodia: Surprisingly comfortable for female travelers, the triangle tour of Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos maintains a strong pull to those most adventurous. And now with a new Six Senses property in Cambodia opening in April, it just got that much more luxurious to see Siam Reap and sleep, albeit exceedingly comfortably, nearby.

A view from a room at Solaz, a Luxury Collection Resort, Los Cabos.

Photo courtesy of Solaz, a Luxury Collection Resort, Los Cabos

Cabo San Lucas, Mexico: With so many new hotels opening up in Cabo, it's hard for a gal to choose. Given Starwood's allegiance and support of women, I'd opt to stay with them at the brand new Solaz, a Luxury Collection property opening this March. Plus, it has the sleek factor bound to impress even the most hardened of travelers.  

The lush grounds at Fairmont The Norfolk.

Photo courtesy of Fairmont The Norfolk

Nairobi, Kenya: As a burgeoning tech city — big-wig Google and Facebook execs pay annual visits — and with its history of heroic female residents (Beryl Markham, Karen Blixen) and an incredible artisan fashion scene, Nairobi is ripe with opportunity and interesting people doing interesting things. My pick for the best place to stay: Fairmont The Norfolk, an iconic property built in 1904.

Six Senses Zighy Bay in Oman.

Photo courtesy of Six Senses

Oman: Surely one of the places that give credence to fairy-tale images of mirages and oases calls for a visit once in this lifetime. And then there's Zighy Bay, a hotel with a the James Bond-like entrance that allows guests to partner up with a professional hang glider and make an entrance like none other — right over the cliffs edge down to the bay.

Tania Lebrija Swasbrook in Bilbao.

Photo courtesy of Tania Lebrija Swasbrook

Tania Lebrija Swasbrook, vice president and luxury travel designer, Travelworld of Coronado 

Tania Lebrija Swasbrook grew up in the travel industry, given that her mother founded Travelworld in 1978. She began working at the agency in high school and during college did a year in Paris at the Sorbonne. After completing her BA in international relations and business in 2001, she moved to New York where she pursued her masters and worked for the high-end travel sales and marketing company, Virtuoso.  In 2006 she moved to London for continued education and decided to try a new industry, finance, for those years. She returned to the United States a few years later and with her new skill set, returned to her passion of working in the travel industry. She is now a luxury travel designer and vice president of Travelworld. An avid solo traveler herself, Tania believes in the importance of continued education. She recently returned on a solo trip to the Basque country in Spain and a visit to Mexico's new Chable Resort in Merida.

A view of Bilbao at night. (Photo courtesy of Shutterstock)

Basque Country, Spain: Basque Country is the name of the area located in northern Spain with a celebrated cuisine, strong cultural traditions, art and a distinct language that pre-dates the Romance languages. It has Europe's highest density of Michelin stars per inhabitants, many of them part of Relais & Chateaux properties. Bilbao, the heart of the Basque country, is also the home of the famous Guggenheim museum. It's the perfect art and foodie adventure for any solo female traveler.

A colorful street San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. (Photo courtesy of Shutterstock)

San Miguel de Allende, Mexico: Recently voted the best city in the world, San Miguel de Allende is a colonial-era city located in the Bahio mountains of central Mexico (about 150 miles from Mexico City). A World Heritage site, it became the hub of many expats starting in the 1930's and has remained very friendly to tourists and foreigners. Many people speak English, and it is ideal for solo female travelers, as you can walk the city easily, with much to see and do around art, history, architecture and culture. My favorite hotel here is the Rosewood, which is set in the heart of the city.

The view from the Dolder Grand in Zurich, Switzerland.

Photo courtesy of Heinz Unger

The Dolder Grand, Zurich, Switzerland: The Dolder Grand is situated high above Zurich, not far from the city center yet in stunning natural surroundings. With an award-winning spa covering 43,000 square feet, a two-Michelin-star restaurant and the most beautiful city in Switzerland at your feet, it is a perfect environment for solo female travelers looking for culture, exclusivity and relaxation.

Blue waters and cloudy skies in New Zealand. (Photo courtesy of Shutterstock)

New Zealand: New Zealand is one of the most visited countries by solo travelers. It is extremely safe, easy to meet other people and lots to do and see with breathtaking beauty at every corner. Outdoor adventure is available everywhere (the first commercial bungee jump originated in New Zealand!), and it is easy to get around New Zealand. For the solo female traveler looking for luxury, there are dozens of top-rated five-star lodges throughout the two islands.

A view of Amsterdam's Conservatorium Hotel.

Photo courtesy of the Conservatorium Hotel

Conservatorium Hotel, Amsterdam: The Conservatorium is ideally located in the museum and fashion district of Amsterdam, one of the most culturally diverse cities in the world. The hotel offers guests an experience that is locally oriented and world-class, all under the roof of a building with a unique heritage. There's so much to do for the solo female traveler, much of it suggested to be done on bikes (there are actually more bikes than people in Amsterdam!). So each guest is connected with their own personal concierge or "host," to make each stay even better by providing insider access for an unforgettable holiday in Amsterdam.

A street in Charleston, South Carolina. (Photo courtesy of Shutterstock)

Charleston, South Carolina: If you are a solo female traveler interested in history and culture, Charleston is often described as a living museum and was the first domestic destination to be voted the coveted World's Best City ranking by Travel + Leisure magazine in 2016. Located in the heart of the historic district, the Belmond Charleston Place, nicknamed Charleston's Grand Dame, features newly renovated rooms and suites. It is located just steps from the famous historic market, antebellum homes and James Beard-awarded restaurants. 

A pool area at Clinique La Prairie.

Photo courtesy of Clinique La Prairie

Clinique La Prairie, Montreaux, Switzerland: Marlene Dietrich, amongst many other famous women, are rumored to have come to Clinique La Prairie for its well known "rejuvenation therapy," which uses a patented biostimulant lyophilized solution that has a boosting effect on the immune system. CLP is a world leader in medical well-being, combining a state-of-the-art medical spa and holistic approaches. From weight management to detox, from a menopause center to a sleep center, it has all aspects covered for any solo female traveler to completely revitalize their health.

The natural hot springs at Tabacon Thermal Resort & Spa.

Photo courtesy of Tabacon Thermal Resort & Spa

Tabacon Thermal Resort & Spa, Costa Rica: For any solo female traveler looking for adventure but also relaxation, wellness and to bond with nature, the sustainability-focused Tabacon Thermal Resort & Spa is ideal. It is situated in Costa Rica's rainforest region of Fortuna de San Carlos at the base of the Arenal volcano. The spa's unique healing thermal mineral spring river emerges from the volcanic earth.

Poolside at SHA Wellness Clinic.

Photo courtesy of SHA Wellness Clinic

SHA Wellness Clinic, Alicante, Spain: SHA Wellness Clinic is a sexy mix of a medical spa and modern Mediterranean resort. Located in a picturesque town in Alicante, it has perfect weather year round (declared to be one of the places with the best weather in the world by the World Health Organization) and blends eastern and western approaches to health. Cutting-edge genetic testing and traditional Chinese medicine are given equal emphasis. It is ideal for solo female travelers looking to indulge and focus on themselves. Their motto says it all: "Be a better version of yourself."

Leah Winck in Sydney, Australia.

Photo courtesy of Leah Winck

Leah Winck, owner/president, Journey On Travel

Born of Chilean heritage on her father's side and German on her mother's side, Leah grew up with lots of international influences. From an early age, languages, culture and travel were part of her life. During college, Leah spent two years in Spain and traveled solo extensively throughout Europe and Northern Africa. Involved in different areas of the travel industry for over 15 years, Leah truly enjoys creating unforgettable trips for her clients, primarily for families and solo female travelers. Owner/president of Journey On Travel, Leah is an independent consultant affiliated with First in Service Travel's Santa Monica office. Whether her clients need a weekend getaway, a cruise or a multi-destination adventure, Leah loves to give her clients special attention and care when it comes to creating their ideal travel experiences. Leah frequently attends industry events and travels herself to discover new destinations. 

The spa at Chable in Mexico.

Photo courtesy of Chable

Chable, Chocholá, Mexico: With recent accolades including Best New Hotel in the World by Conde Nast Traveler, Chable is a perfect spot for women seeking wellness and peace. Located 25 minutes from Merida, Chable is located in a 19th century restored hacienda. Divided into two parts — the hotel and the spa — wellness here is focused around yoga, meditation, tai chi and traditional Mayan spa therapies. The lush gardens and sense of peace are inviting to any woman in need of relaxation or recharging. In addition to its stunning gardens, Chable is one of the only spas in the world with its own cenote. The hotel also has the world's largest private collection of tequila, with over 750 bottles.

A nighttime view of Hotel Alfonso XIII in Seville, Spain.

Photo courtesy of Hotel Alfonso XIII

Alfonso XVIII, Seville, Spain: An historic hotel of choice from the Starwood Luxury Collection, Alfonso XVIII is a beauty that lies in the heart of Seville's center. For any solo traveler, the location can't be beat, as you are steps from the Rio Guadalquiver, La Giralda, Plaza de España, el Torre de Oro and many other treasures. The service is top notch and rooms are beautifully appointed with a sense of traditional Andalusian design. During hot summer months, it's a blessing to have the gorgeous pool.

The exterior of the St. James Trafalgar Square, London.

Photo courtesy of the St. James Trafalgar Square, London

St. James Trafalgar Square, London: The newest member of the Hilton Curio brand, the St. James Trafalgar Square is the perfect base in London, as it is situated a mere 15-minute walk to some of the city's most sought-after museums, galleries, restaurants and bars, as well as trendy spots like Covent Garden, Leicester Square and Soho. For solo traveling women, the hotel's living room, "Biblio," provides a cozy retreat to read and have afternoon tea.

Qualia on Hamilton Island in Australia.

Photo courtesy of Qualia

Qualia, Hamilton Island, Australia: Qualia embodies all that is calm, peaceful, beautiful and unique for a solo traveler. The beauty of the resort, exquisitely appointed large rooms and delicious award-winning food make Qualia a natural choice for any woman heading to the Great Barrier Reef. With your own golf cart to tootle around town, you can venture a bit to see the views around the island and try out different restaurants in town near the marina.

The pool at the Alvear Palace Hotel.

Photo courtesy of the Alvear Palace Hotel

Alvear Palace Hotel, Buenos Aires: An iconic hotel in the heart of Recoleta neighborhood, the Alvear Palace Hotel in Buenos Aires is a mecca of traditional Argentinian design. Upon entering, one immediately feels the history of the city. The lobby bar is like something out of a classic movie. The rooftop bar and atrium, accessible from the new suites, have a wonderful view of the surroundings. The location is fantastic, as it's within walking distance of restaurants, shops, museums and the famous cemetery, not to mention the best empanadas in the city. For solo female travelers, the services, location and overall vibe make the Alvear my top pick for Buenos Aires.

The Grand Hotel Minerva's rooftop pool.

Photo courtesy of the Grand Hotel Minerva

Grand Hotel Minerva, Florence, Italy: Newly refurbished, the 100-room Grand Hotel Minerva in the heart of Florence emits the perfect place for a solo traveler's journey to Florence. With views of the old historic buildings, you are surrounded by the warmth of Florence with major sites within minutes of this boutique hotel's door. The rooftop bar and pool (yes, a rooftop pool in the center of Florence!) is a plus, with amazing views of the church of Santa Maria Novella.

Hotel B in Barranco, Lima.

Photo courtesy of Hotel B

Hotel B, Lima, Peru: The only Relais & Chateaux property in Lima situated near the Malecon Souza and Playa Barranquito, the Hotel B is a 20-key beauty that's the perfect hub for travelers looking to explore Lima's rich culture. Traditional Peruvian hospitality awaits you, as does its award-winning restaurant.

A suite at Hotel Esencia in the Yucatan.

Photo courtesy of Hotel Esencia

Hotel Esencia, Yucatan, Mexico: With six new suites and a new dining venue, Esencia captures the authentic flavors of Mexico. The rooms are tucked away in the lush greens, makes for a relaxing, safe getaway for any woman who wants a true escape. Daily yoga, delicious food, non-motorized water activities and an amazing spa, featuring natural traditional Mayan remedies, oils and fragrances, make Esencia my top pick for a reawakening getaway. The master suites in the main building are my personal favorites, with inviting views of the Caribbean Sea.

Llao Llao in Bariloche, Argentina.

Photo courtesy of Llao Llao

Llao Llao, Bariloche, Argentina: Llao Llao is an iconic lodge overlooking the majestic Andes and Lake Nahuel in Argentina's Patagonia region that is not to be missed. With new suites added on to the main hotel and amazing bathtub views of the lake and mountains, Llao Llao is a top pick for any nature loving explorer. Hiking, picnics, sailing, kayaking and mountain bike riding are all plentiful in spring and summer, while skiing is a must in winter.

Want more great solo-travel ideas? Check out "33 Best Trips And Tips For Solo Female Travel."


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